Realme has revealed that the company will host an event on March 24 where the Realme 8 series is teased to launch. The upcoming series that purportedly includes the Realme 8 and Realme 8 Pro succeeds the Realme 7 series that was launched in September 2020. Previously, Realme had stated that the new Realme smartphone, likely to be the Realme 8 Pro would feature a 108-megapixel Samsung HM2 primary camera sensor – the same one used in Xiaomi’s Mi 10i. Apart from the 108-megapixel shooter, the company had stated that the Realme 8 Pro would also feature an in-sensor zoom technology to offer 3x zoom claimed to be better than what users get from a traditional optical zoom lens.
The latest development came from Realme India CEO Madhav Sheth in a video, though the exact time details of the event remains unclear. More details from the company are expected in the coming days.
The Chinese tech company had also shared the image of the upcoming Realme phone’s quad rear cameras, though without revealing the moniker. It expected to be the Realme 8 Pro as the camera module mentions the 108-megapixel camera. Recently, tipster Mukul Sharma shared the unreleased poster of the Realme 8 series that highlights the regular model’s features such as a 64-megapixel quad-camera system and a Super AMOLED display. The Pro model is also expected to pack an sAMOLED display.