After Nokia’s laptops got BIS certification earlier this month, the company has teased the existence of the upcoming laptops on Flipkart. Although the teaser doesn’t reveal the specifications of the laptop, it hints at what you should expect from Nokia’s first-ever laptop dubbed Nokia Purebook.
Nokia PureBook X14 specifications
The microsite shows that at least one variant of the Nokia PureBook X14 will be powered by an Intel Core i5 processor, and include Dolby Atmos as well as Dolby Vision technologies. The laptop is also touted to offer an “ultralight” build that weighs 1.1 kilograms. USB 3.0 and HDMI ports are also clearly visible in the image of the Nokia laptop.
Flipkart has not yet provided any details on the availability of the Nokia PureBook X14. However, the microsite does carry a “coming soon” tag to reiterate the imminent launch of the laptop as also suggested earlier this week.
Full details about the Nokia PureBook X14 launch and its price in India are yet to be revealed. Nevertheless, as many as nine laptop models carrying the Nokia branding surfaced on the BIS site recently. Five of these models are speculated to have Intel Core i5 processors, while four of them could include Intel Core i3 chips. These are likely to be Intel 10th-generation processors.
While the new laptops will carry the Nokia branding, they are likely to be manufactured by a third-party and will be exclusive to Flipkart. The online marketplace already sells Nokia-branded smart TVs in the country.